The committee is elected every year at our AGM in April and several current committee members are stepping down this year so we need your help! A number of key positions will need to be filled. The three roles that a WI MUST have are President, Secretary, and Treasurer – without these roles being filled our WI will have to close. This is not the whole story though, as to keep our WI going nicely and to make it easier on everyone else, we need more people than that!
Please do consider putting yourself forward to join the committee. There is absolutely no minimum time you have to be a member of our WI to join the committee – it’s really useful to have completely fresh ideas of what kinds of meetings we can have and new ways to raise funds. We are a self run group and without members stepping up to help run things then…things don’t run!
The committee meets once a month on the Tuesday before the main meeting and email a little during the month, but it won’t take over your life. If you would like to learn more or think you can help please email us or speak to a committee member at a meeting.
The kinds of things we organise:
- activities for each monthly meeting
- prizes, drinks, cakes, and craft supplies for meetings
- fundraising to keep our WI going
- fundraising for and working with charities
- subgroups
- getting involved with our federation and the WI as a whole
- opportunities and events for members