Tuesday 29th October 7-9pm
For this month’s meeting we’ll be joined by North London Waste Authority who will be talking to us all about waste and recycing. They will be here to answer our pesky questions about those other items we think we choose be able to recycle, but don’t know how.
Why does my tube of tomato purée say it’s not recyclable? It’s metal.
Can I recycle blue, green and brown plastic food containers or only white ones?
The nets off the nuts and citrus fruits? Are they plastic?
What do I do with clothes and shoes that are beyond wearable?
Those “electrical cables” that I have in the junk drawer?
Send your questions in to hello@n1wi.co.uk so NLWA can be prepared to answer. Please include which borough you live in as even in the same waste authority different councils have different agreements.
As always visitors are more than welcome! Please feel free to just turn up on the night, but if you have any questions or want more information about anything, please get in touch at hello@n1wi.co.uk!