For our May meeting (Tuesday 30th) we have a couple of things to keep you entertained and educated.
We are having our (slightly delayed!) Annual Meeting where the committee and president for the next year will be elected, and we’ll have some quick reports on all of the exciting things we’ve been up to this year including how much money we’ve managed to raise.
For the second half of the evening, we’re welcoming Tilly Barker from CassArt to lead us in some crafting fun:
No need to be afraid – Art is for everyone. Breaking Through the Colour Bar using Inktense pencils and blocks:
Tilly will be encouraging us to experiment and play with colour on paper and material using Derwent’s Inktense which can be used wet and dry and on both material and paper to achieve lots of effects. You will leave having learnt some new skills and hopefully a new passion along with whatever you make on the evening.
All materials will be supplied for the session, but bring an apron if you have a tendency to be enthusiastic when crafting!
We’ll have our social half hour between 7 and 7:30 and we will be in St. James’ Hall as normal – details here.
Membership is open! Bring cash or cheque to the meeting or email for details to do a bank transfer. Wondering why you should become a member? Ruthie, one of the committee members, has written a bit about what she gets out of being a member – read it here!
At our Annual Meeting we elect the committee, and several current members are stepping down. Without enough members on the committee, N1 WI will have to close. The committee meets once a month (except December) on the 1st Tuesday of the month. It’s very relaxed and is a great way to get to know people better, all while helping to run a most excellent WI! What more could you want?
Could you help us with any of the following? Marketing, finding speakers and activities for meetings, helping with events, PR, recruiting new members, taking minutes. Talk to us in the social half hour if you want to stand or just help out with any of the above!