July 2017 – Covered in Bees!
July 13, 2017
Our speaker this month (Tuesday 25th July, 7 to 9pm!) is Alison Benjamin from Urban Bees. She is a Guardian journalist and co-author of Keeping Bees and Making Honey, A World without Bees, and Bees in the City; an urban beekeepers’ handbook. They have hives in Battersea, Tower Hamlets and King’s Cross. Here is their website http://
She’ll be talking to us about bees and why they’re important in London and how we can all help to save them and our environment.
We will also be making beeswax candles for you to take home.
If this is all thirsty work, we will be selling refreshments including a honey-based cocktail and mead!
Visitors welcome!